what Web sites cause your Safari to crash (under Panther)


Well, I've found two that 'cause Safari to hang all the time for me.

They are www.soccernet.com and www.fox.com/24. (Caution, do NOT click on these unless you want to do a test).
I've got the latest Flash player installed 7.19? and Quicktime 6.5 Pro.

It drives me absolutely nuts that the only option appears to be to kill
Safari from the command line (presumably a force-quit would work as
well). I've noticed that it takes up 80-90% of the CPU while the colored
spinning ball of death just sits there.

Is this a problem anyone else is having? Especially with a particular
site or sites?

thanks, Stefan
I just tried both sites on my machine using Safari and they both worked fine. I'm running 10.3.2, flash 7r19 and QT 6.5 pro.
no probs here

i get spinning balls when downloading 4 items or more at once and trying to surf... also, loooooooong web pages seem to be a prob, other than that i havent had a problem with safari, as previously posted by the others, both worked fine for me as well :)