What would u like to have...


Official Mac User
..if u could decide what kind of hardware should b used with the next generation of PowerMacs/iMacs? :)

Here is my list:

* PPC G5 Processors (maybe quadruple MP's? :D ) with at least 1 GHz
* Faster FSB, like 400/500 MHz or more
* Fast Videocards with lots of RAM

Now its ur turn! Let me know what u think :)
* iRDA port (forget bluetooth, that's too expensive)
* Internal FireWire drive(s), 100-160 GB
* Lowered price, I'll NEVER EVER afford G4/G5 at the price they are on now... :(
Anyone there who can give me some economical support? :rolleyes: hehe... ;)
Oh yeah, and the smalles available screen should be a 17" flatpanel! for the price of a 15" flatpanel for sure :)

And a badass Soundcard which supports real surround sound! :cool: