What's all this then?


Licensed Computer Geek
What on earth is going on with the slashdot folks? I went over there looking for reports of something unrelated, but found a story from a day or two ago about some tech journalist foretelling the end of Apple, and the poll is "How long until Apple goes Belly Up." Did I miss something, or is this just more of the usual uninformed shenanigans that can be seen on slashdot on an unfortunately regular basis?
They must be making fun of the "journalist" referenced in the earlier article, since the story seemed to poke fun at his unfounded claims.
Yeah, and even more so to the gilded teat of the all holy Linus Torvalds. Although lately they have had more unbiased Apple stuff, so it's an improvement.
Hmm... I think /. is just about elitary computing. Of course linux is leading, followed closely by the BSD based Mac OS X. But basically, they tend to hate Windows stuff... I love /. - its entertainment value is quite high. :p
Well, we're Mac sheep, really, hanging upon every word of the amazing Steven Jobs... but that's just 'cause he's cool.... ;)

People who use linux daily seem to love it. The only problem is, it's still a pain in the behind to add and remove programs. and compliling? Yeesh, give me a break. Linux is getting much closer, but still not a good desktop OS for the average joe. I hope that it soon makes some progress in the User Interface area....
Oh, indeed. Heh. I usually keep that in mind. Of course, it's not quite so much that I'm obsessed with Apple, than I am repulsed by most everything else. ;-)