What's happened to Camino?


I normally get the latest Camino once a week, but for the last few days the download of the nightly build at www.mozilla.org has been timing out. And there's no news about it at that site.

Does anyone have any inside info on this? I hope Camino isn't dying from neglect. There are still things it can do that Safari can't.
From the developer's blog:

I'm glad to see that my recent post on a 0.7.5 release actually got a few people talking. I just wanted to update everyone as to my current status:

-- I'm teaching CSci 297-10 at GWU this Fall, which is basically a second job. Most of the time I spend not at work is spent either teaching or preparing lectures or projects. I haven't even started grading.
-- My day job is really heating up, and will only be getting worse as we get closer to Spring.
-- The last tidbit of time is spent with my new band, jamming and preparing to do some small gigs.

If you can't read between the lines, my schedule is chock full. I love Camino. It will not die on my watch, but it may have to remain slow until the new year. I emplore the people who have stuck with it so far to continue, especially those who have contributed patches. We will be driving to 0.8, I just can't promise when. Your work does and will matter
Yeah, a whole guy! He should let someone else develop his code while he's busy, or something.
I think he would welcome any contributions, arden ... If you still have spare time after that, you can begin on the OO aqua port ... ;)
Camino rulez! After 10.2.8 I test Safari 85.5 but Camino is super for me!

Camino! Camino! Camino! Camino! Camino!
