What's it like working for Apple?


Contributor and PB User
Not sure if this is off topic, but I'm curious. Are there any former or current employees of Apple Computer who visit t his web site? If so, what was/is it like working for Apple? What are the pros and cons? For those who worked at other computer/tech companies like Microsoft, Intel, IBM, etc. what are the major differences in the coporate culture between those companies and Apple?

How do you feel about the financial stability of Apple? Do you like where it's going from a product development and R&D stand point?

Yeah I always wanted to know how it is working at Apple Computer. I bet it's the most peacefull place on earth. And the address they're located at is so macish. "1 Infinte Loop." If anyone knows what it's like to be at their grounds, I'd also like to know.
Well, I know a guy who works at Apple, a cousin of some of my friends. He actually possesses the patent for the Pro Mouse.

Although his authenticity has been called into question some months ago... so I'm not sure if he works there or not.
My cousin, now in his 50's works @ Apple. He loves it, plain and simple. He started @ Apple some 20 years ago as a tech expert. Quickly the technology grew and he found himself out of the loop. For many years to the present he has worked in the commercial end promoting the Apple stores, etc.
He explains that working their is great. Granted he has a nice job, but the atmosphere is pleasant and the people are great. I speak with him from time to time. The last time he did say this was his last year.
People say that I act mac.(organized, never late, almost perfect) I don't brag though. Cause I actually am more like Linux. So anyway I love my mac and I seem to be getting off topic. I'm going to post more things about my addiction.