Hi "Thank The Cheese"
>Hey ecirtap. I'm actually looking for a web host at the moment. I had a
>look at Dreamhost's site. Some freakin amazing deals. actually, seems a
>little too good to be true. Are there any hidden charged, contracts, or
>limitations that aren't obvious?
Believe me: no hidden charges, nothing. (They'll only start charging extra if you go over your bandwidth limit and the likes: like any other webhost.)
Also, the domain you register is *owned by you*, not by them! (A lot of the dodgy webhosts offer free domain-registration, but register it in their name, so if you ever want to move to another host, you'll have to buy the domain off them!)
The Dreamhost people are really cool; plus the customer support is also good - you will usually get a reply within less than 24 hours. (Sometimes they are even online and you can IM with them!)
>I mean, 20GB storage, unlimited databases, a free domain...all 7.95 per
>month?! And the sorage space goes up 160MB per week, too! That's
>sounds dodgy.
They do come up with all those weird deals, but they are for real!
The best thing also: you have a 97-day money back guarantee!!! So, nothing to lose, really...!
>Are they above board?
I have been with them for more than 2 years, and so far been very happy.
Not too long ago they changed the deal to "unlimited websites/URLs per account" (I am hosting 10+ URLs in the one account), so I wanted to move all my stuff over from account number 2 to account number 1, so I'd have only one account, which they said they'd do for me at $ 100/hour - eventually they did it: for free!!! (I only had to upload the websites data via FTP again, but all mail accounts, etc. they moved over for me, no re-configuring necessary.)
In case you do decide to sign up with dreamhost.com, you could do me a huge favour and do so via my rewards link:
Even if you do not want to do so via my rewards link: I can still recommend them big time!
If you need more info: let me know.