- Why did Ms Robertson sue the furniture store if she was unable to control her own brat? Her brat should sue her because she probably did hurt a lot more him than him her. Besides, if the one causing the injury was her brat, the kid should pay, not the store. Maybe she could also ask more money, such as rental of her womb .. lets say 10'000 $ x 9 months, and then assisted care lets say 25 $ / hour from 0 to 18 years.. how many hours of care will that be? maybe in media 4-6? how many hours a day do kids need care? probably the kid has also insulted her when he was like 4, she should sue him for every insult too.. and due to her pregnancy she must have lost her body and become fat, she should ask money for that too .. and the suffering of her broken body image ... and the lost working days when she wasn't able to work due to the pregnancy or the brat's fever...
- Why can anyone trying to steal anything gt money sewing for getting injured? Do we soon start to see "If you are trying to steal or destroy the property of XX you are at your own risk. If you get shot, beaten by a dog, beaver, bear, wild lion or a shark, it is your own risk. You have been warned. We take no responsability of you while you are trying to steal, destroy etc XXs property."
- to be attached close to animals: "Do not disturb the animal. If you attempt to disturb it, we take no responsability of the animal possibly defending itself or giving you back what you wanted. If you get injured, you asked for it."
- Ms Carson's case is absurd. If anyone else slipped to her drink, the same 30 seconds after her dropping it on the floor, i think the payer should have been HER. It is impossible for a restaurant, even with only those 2 clients, to clean the mess she caused in 30 seconds. Do we now need signs like "Do not spill yuour drink on the floor. Do not step on anyone else's drink."
- Ms Walton .. huh. Well. I was beaten up last year, woke up with no money and no documents in a hospital in France and a tiny bit of my front teeth was missing, must have lost it while beaten. I don't know who beat me. Do I sue now the city of Paris for having allowed the beting up to happen in a public place? And the police because they have not caught the bastard? Who do I sue to get a ridiculous amount of money for having been beaten up, having been depressed and in pain after that, and to have that tiny bit of my tooth fixed? I have no insurance and no $ to fix it still ...