What's this song called?


In Swordfish, what is the music called that plays when Stanley begins coding the worm? I'd like the name of the artist, the name of the song and preferrably the name of the CD it's on. I know it's not on the Motion Picture Soundtrack.

PS: It goes kinda like this: "50 000 rhymes of funkin'"...anybody have a clue?
OK, after comparing the ending credits to the soundtrack and eliminating one by one I've come to the conclution that it must be Frank Popp who made a tune called "High Voltage"...now for my next question, on which CD can I legally purchase this? (Damn it, I own the soundtrack AND the DVD movie, I should already own this song)

I'm almost ready to give up on CDs and simply download everything I come across, at least that's easier than this system:mad:
isn't there a way you can rip it from the movie? i am pretty sure i have seen apps for doing this at versiontracker.:confused:

(i was going to try and help you on this by looking at the credits when i watch swordfish this weekend - debuts on hbo on sat . nite!!)
No, he talks and I only get to hear about half a song, I want it all...damn, this record industry(and their system) is killing my love for music
You live in Norway... I don't think the RIAA can do anything about you downloading from there since their power doesn't extend that far (something like that... i remember all this from the Napster days)
There's a recording industry to be damaged here too, I don't want to cheat them out of this, I want them to reather get an acceptable system. I remember a day when i could ask for a song in a chat on Napster and 10 helpful people ould gladly tell me what I was looking for and where to get it...that was the days..
That's what I like to see, one member helping another.
Nothing like it in the world...except when the French helped the US out back in WW2. :p