When is a PowerBook Battery supposed to go into Hard Sleep?


Just as the topic says, I'm wondering at what battery percent level a 17" Powerbook should go into hard-sleep. Mine will go in at 7% left, and i'm curious is less than 7% not enough to keep the machine running, or could there be a problem with the battery? I used X-Charge during charging and notice the rate of charge starts curving as it approaches 85% and when it reached 93% (7% to go) It jumped to 100%.

Mine goes down to 3 minutes (sorry, i use the time, not %), and I think that's usually when it forces sleep. I've actually left it in that state for more than 24 hours (I know, how did I go 24 hours without using my computer?!) though, and it hasn't shut down. It won't come out of sleep unless I plug it in, but it won't shut off either.

I've even swapped batteries while it was sleeping (no power cable either) and it stays asleep - powers itself - and I have everything as it was before it went to sleep. Though I'm not brave enough to test for how long it will run without the actual battery in (and no power cord)...
I believe it is 20-30 seconds. It's called "Sleep Switching" and it only works on the Powerbook line. The iBooks
don't have the necessary circuitry to change batteries without the power cord.
Originally posted by rhg
My battery gows down to 1%, then I still can continue working for some minutes, depending on what I do.

Do you get the warning dialog before the Book enforces sleep mode?

If no:

If yes:

Hope this helps :)

Regarding that last link, the Power Manager Unit reset, would that make a difference if it is reset if the battery is full or empty?
