When your computer forgets it has certain parts


Long title, I know.
Remember those frooty imacs from 1999? Well my elder brother has one and for some odd reason it's forgotten that it has a modem and no longer recognizes it. So we think a wire must have come loose, and want to open up the iMac casing. Only problem with this is there is no screw holes, or handles. So does anybody know how we can get the iMac open, check the wires, and seal her back up without anybody knowing the better?

Thanks for all help!
Ok...little update: we got the colored casing off and most of the screws are out...but we've run into a problem. The casing that covers the speakers/CD-DRIVE don't really have any places for un-doing. So how do we open that up? Better yet: where the heck is the internal modem located in this thing?

Sorry if I sound like I'm mad/in a hurry. Because basically I am in a hurry. :D
im assuming the modem houses itself on the motherboard, in which case if it doesnt see it you might need to find an external solution :o
For future reference: it wasn't a faulty modem, and as stated above by BuddahBobb, there were no wires or such disconnected from the modem. We simply re-installed OS 10 and magically our problem was solved! My brother thinks it was a virus, so we're on the lookout for whatever could have caused such a muck-up.

Thanks for all the help everybody!!!