where are the ratings for itunes?


official breaker of macs.
there's gotta be a file somewhere containing the ratings of each song-- where is it? i just moved my music to my second hard drive and now my ratings are gone. any ideas?
Hmm...probably lost now. iTunes keeps them in this file: ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml

But if you already opened iTunes after moving your music, most likely the file was already overwritten with the new data.

I found a way to trick iTunes into using the old data while having moved the music to another drive - mount the drive at ~/Music. That way, iTunes sees the music in the same place so doesn't rewrite the file. You would have had to do that already, though.
hmm... okay, now i'm in a pickle. my ipod has all the ratings on it, but since i moved my library, my ipod doesn't recognize my original library at all. is there some way to extract the rating and play count information from my ipod?

... what a mess. i had over 2000 songs rated =(.
Well, like I said, the only way not to lose the ratings (and play counts) when you're moving the files to another drive is to have that drive mount at /Users/yourusername/Music (or add /iTunes after that, if you don't want to replace the whole Music folder). If you happen to have your music at some other location (i.e. you don't have iTunes manage it for you), just mount the drive at that location.

When you do that, iTunes sees the files in the same place, so even though they all now have different file IDs, iTunes guesses that they're still the same files and uses the old file rather than making a new one.

'Course, this all has to be done before you launch iTunes after you've moved the music.

To get something to mount where you want it rather than in /Volumes, you can use the mount command in the terminal, but by far the easiest way is to edit /etc/fstab (note, you'll need to use sudo to edit it), and make something that looks like this:

#Device		Mount point		Type	Setting	Dump	fsck order

LABEL=Swap	/private/var/vm		ufs	auto,rw	1	2
LABEL=Projects	/Users/poetman/Projects	hfs	auto,rw	1	3
LABEL=Music	/Users/poetman/Music	hfs	auto,rw	1	4

Whenever you boot, autodiskmount will automatically mount it wherever you tell it to. You don't even have to reboot if you have it on an externel drive - just unmount the drive, disconnect then reconnect it to get it to mount again.