Where do you go 1st for Mac Info?

Where do you go 1st for Mac Info?

  • MacOSX.com

  • Some other Mac Web site

  • Mac Magazine

  • Apple.com

  • Google.com/mac

  • IRC or other chat

  • Other Online

  • Other Offline

  • I call my brother/sister/mom/dad/friend

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In 1 minutes on Google I just answered a question that someone had been working of for a long time...

It got me to thinking about where I go when I'm looking for something.

In many cases I come here to macosx.com first when I have a Mac question. I then go to a bouple other forums and then finally Google.

In other cases I go to Google first.

How about you?
Depends on the kind of info. If it's specific info about dates/specs on Macs, applehistory.com is my first stop on the list.
If it's a problem to be solved, this forum is my first and last place to go. This community haven't let me down so far...
Basically, it depends. Mostly, I've gotten good answers to my questions asked on this site, except for one: HOW DO I GET RID OF THE HOLE IN MY CLASSIC ENVIRONMENT?!

Other than that, I come here, and I also go to other sources. This poll should probably be check boxes instead of radio buttons.
Originally posted by arden
...This poll should probably be check boxes instead of radio buttons.
I guess since I asked where you go "first" I did not think anyone would want to check more than one box... and I can't change it since I'm not a mod.
Well, I go to different places "first" depending on the situation. If it's something specific to my iMac, I might come here first. If it's something I think I can download or find out online, I'll look for a specific website. If it's general information, I'll use a search engine.

It all depends.