Hi Ripcord,
Well, if its any consolation, I got my 12" Powerbook in early January (just made the iLife upgrade window whoo hoo!). I am an old WinTel hand, and the PB was my first Apple since I sold my tricked out Apple 2+ back in 1983. Being an Mac newb, I had a bunch of questions that I asked here and at macosxhints.com, and some very bright folks generated quick answers for all of my questions (thanks everyone!). Every problem (and there wern't many) solved in less than 24 hours.
My biggest revelation, however, had a direct impact on the number of posts I make. The freekin PowerBook simply works. Once I got some Mac things worked out in my head, got the preferences set, the thing purrs right along while I churn out stuff on the road. No BSODs, no flakey drivers, no missing or corrupt .DLLs or bad uninstalls. It simply keeps on churning away despite the fact that I have fiddled with the settings and preferences a huge amount.
I use a homebrewed XP box at home. It took a long time to get all the drivers and whatnot setup (it was a new type of motherboard and video card), but I will hand it to MS...XP is fairly stable (for windows, that is) once you get thing set. But there was an enormous amount of fiddling with the thing to get it that way, with the resultant 100's of message board postings, not to mention 100's of MB of new driver downloads, BIOS updates and Windows critical updates. Now to be fair, I brought this on myself my building my own boxes, but sheesh....
To give you one example...the ASUS MB I have has provisions for SATA hard drives. Cool, I thought, put the HDs on the SATA and leave my optical drives as masters on their respective IDE chains to improve performance. I grab a pair of IDE-SATA adapters for my IDE HDs... hooked it all upand promptly corrupted Windows XP. Turns out XP doesn't like when you switch drives around like that. Had to re-install WinXP, but first I had to find a SATA driver to download to a floppy, so that when I reinstall XP, it can use the SATA during the install process, since XP has no native SATA support. Fine, got that straight, re-installed XP (without losing any data, if you can believe it), called MS on the phone to re-activate XP (arghh).
Few days went by, and lo and behold I am starting to see disk corruption (Windows needs to check your disks...and so on). No data loss, but disconcerting to say the least. Well, search the web for some ASUS specific sights and start to bump into people with the same issue (and literally 1000s of messages on the same topic). To make a long story short (shorter, anyway), it turns out the ASUS BIOS had a bug in the SATA BIOS, and it took them a couple of months to admit it, then find it, then fix it. I didn't need the SATA or RAID (the only way to set up a RAID was via the SATA), so I slapped my HDs back on the IDE (and had to re-install XP again...and had to call MS to reactivate it...again), but the people who really needed it were really torqued.
The moral of the story is that I think that kind of message traffic I can do without for a long time...
Meanwhile, the nice, little Powerbook goes on doing its thing without so much as a wimper. I get to watch movies on the road, too. Bonus. Funny thing tho...They sold me on the 12" PB cause it was the smallest thing out there, Mac or PC. But now that I am sort of converetd....that 1.25Ghz 15" sure is cooool and not tooo much bigger, heh heh.
Very best to you,
12" AL Powerbook, 1Ghz, 768MB, Superdrive and Airport Extreme.
HomeBrew XP Box with ASUS A7N8X-Dlx, 512Mb, GeForce4 128Mb Vid, Lite-on DVD and CD.