Where is iPhoto and iMovie?


I've just did a full install of Tiger (wipe hard drive, then install OS). I've also just done a restore using the system discs that came with my Powerbook to install Classic and what I thought to be the iLife '04 apps. That installed iDVD and Garageband, but I can't find iPhoto or iMovie the two iLife apps that I use the most.

What's going on? Where are they?
Well, they're certainly not part of Tiger. If you have your system restore disc, just pop it in and find the software installation part. You should be able to individually install them.
Well: iLife '05 is nice, anyway. But really, the restore thing should give you the option to install the apps... Hm. I just wanna say: There _is_ a way. That's no reason to buy '05. However: iPhoto 5, for me, *IS* a reason to buy iLife '05. ;)
My friend upgraded to tiger recently and found the same problem. If you have the software restore discs (as he did), iLife 04 is on them, just hidden. To get at them, get a program such as Cocktail from Macupdate that lets you show invisible files in the Finder. Put your restore disc in and you'll see lots of hidden folders. IIRC, it's under /System/Packages/ or something like that; you'll see installer packages for iPhoto and iMovie.

Hope this helps!
I know you have to buy iLife '05 if you want to get it. I'm not that clueless, yet :).

The problem I'm facing is that the restore discs that came with my Powerbook had iLife '04. I had them when I installed Panther. However, when I did a clean Tiger install, and did a system restore to get Classic and various apps, I got iDVD and Garageband, but no iPhoto or iMovie. I've tried doing the software restore thing again, but to no avail.

I've caved in a decided to buy iLife '05. With the education discount, it isn't too bad. Just under £30.
Viro, not sure if it's clear from my last post, but the software restore discs my friend had were the same as yours - Panther with iLife'04. By finding the hidden installation packages as described, you'll be able to restore these apps back. You don't need to buy iLife 05 unless you really want to (personally, I did and have hardly found it justifies the cost, but that's subject to opinion :) )
Once you have shown hidden files (using, for example, cocktail), go to:

(Restore DVD 1)/System/Installation/Packages/

The installers for iphoto and imovie are in there. For reference, I'm using the software restore dvd for a PBook 12".