You know whats more annoying than Ed's joke?
When I'm sitting in the back of class (alphabetical order can be good sometimes) and the teacher says something like "Fill out this sheet now."
And I, of course, being a poster child for paranoia, think that I am being yelled at. It happens more often than you would think.
Another problem. There are 4 Phil's in my entire school. 3 of these Phil's (including me) are on the science olympiad team. There are about 20 people on the team?
Anyone wanna give me a probability on that?
Actually I just figured it out, the chance of the three phil's being picked at random is 1 in 17,578,125 (No Joke.) (I may be wrong.) (Enough with the parentheses already.) (Shut up.) (No, you shut up.) (You;re the one who loves punctuation.) (Oh Sorry Mr. I hate using the shift key) Alright then, sorry, I had a power struggle in my brain between the left and right cerebrums, but right before disaster struck, my thalamus decided that the emotional stress would be too muuch, and it threatened to turn off my pituitary gland. All is well now.
So where was I? Oh yes....
So anyway, it seems quite the coincidence doesn't it?
Though having three people of the same name on an exclusive club of intelligent people seems to be a little too much of a coincidence.
Take it as you will......