Where is my computer?

look again Phil, i snagged it while you were focused on typing. now it is in the glove compartment of my car:p
Damn! My plans have been foiled by that dastardly Middle Age Man!

I'll get you!

*(flies away in object that in no way looks like it should be able to fly)

Ever see the "middle age man" SNL skit?
You know whats more annoying than Ed's joke?:p

When I'm sitting in the back of class (alphabetical order can be good sometimes) and the teacher says something like "Fill out this sheet now."
And I, of course, being a poster child for paranoia, think that I am being yelled at. It happens more often than you would think.

Another problem. There are 4 Phil's in my entire school. 3 of these Phil's (including me) are on the science olympiad team. There are about 20 people on the team?

Anyone wanna give me a probability on that?

Actually I just figured it out, the chance of the three phil's being picked at random is 1 in 17,578,125 (No Joke.) (I may be wrong.) (Enough with the parentheses already.) (Shut up.) (No, you shut up.) (You;re the one who loves punctuation.) (Oh Sorry Mr. I hate using the shift key) Alright then, sorry, I had a power struggle in my brain between the left and right cerebrums, but right before disaster struck, my thalamus decided that the emotional stress would be too muuch, and it threatened to turn off my pituitary gland. All is well now.

So where was I? Oh yes....

So anyway, it seems quite the coincidence doesn't it?

Though having three people of the same name on an exclusive club of intelligent people seems to be a little too much of a coincidence.

Take it as you will......
OK, heres the setup:

Surely you know what I'm trying to say.

P.S. What kind of mind person are you? Do you analyze the minds of all of the people who post here? Is there something fundamentally wrong with me.

Really, psycology type people scare me because I think that they're going to tell me something I don't want to hear.

Whats the diagnosis doc?
Phil - i think we should go on the road doing standup comedy.:p

i'll bet we could bomb more often than system 7:eek:

as for diagnosis, i always consider everyone normal until proven otherwise. you seem pretty normal so far. btw - all that chatter between the left and right sides of your brain is called 'self-talk'. People who self talk are better problem solvers. they are also more prone to depression if they allow it to be dominated by self criticism. so stay positive in your conversations with yourself and you will be doing fine. Or use them to make yourself aware of anything you want to change and then do something about it. don't ruminate on all the ways it is bad.

i also have far too much to worry about to spend time trying to analyze anybody on the internet. not enough info. I need to watch behavior to even get a clue. so don't go getting all paranoid on me cause i'm what i am. i personally have a criteria that my friends need to be "weird enough". and you Phil, are just "weird enough" to be my friend:)

so where is Will anyway?:D
So have you learned any neato burrito mind tricks? Stuff like, "If you do this --- then you problably also do this" or "If you do this --- you are this."

Sort of like you can tell which side of you brain is dominant because it is the side that feels comfortable when you put your fingers together (actually together, not on each other in a Mr. Burns type way.:p) folding your arms works too.

Surely you Will tell me the crazy mind tricks?
what, you think i'm paying all this money for my education and you're going to get all the secrets for free!!! no chance. I would be run out of the old boys club and have my secret handshake taken away:D
Ahh, I see how it is......

I'm not much of a start wars fan, but its impossible to not draw parallels to the Jedi.

Hmm, are you some kind of leader? Those photos i saw of you in an enchanter's suit, possibly they were not a joke? Hmm, I think your new user status should be "Yoda of Psycology". Or whatever school of thought you belong to, its just too easy to get them confused. Only adds to the mysticism.....
now who is demonstrating his impeccible powers of perception and intuition? could it be you are the one whose talents and mystical abilities are unfolding?

;) ;) ;)
(the power of 3)
I have always have been drawn to cone shaped hats. Possibly I should look into enchanting as a career choice. I know its either that or playing an accordion in the streets, and having a small monkey pick-pockets and accept change for me.

Life sure gives you a lot of hard choices....

How long did it take you to choose a career? ("haven't picked on yet" is not an acceptable answer")

Oh, and from the psycology standpoint, im doing a debate in a few weeks, whats the best way to convince someone of something. Or is that another dark secret?

Perhaps i should just wave my hand in front of their face and then tell them what they should think.:cool: I have the power to back it up....
hey, did you take herve's computer again? i just looked in the glove compartment and it's not there anymore. I hope it was you. i would hate if it fell into the wrong hands.:mad:
and no better than you guarded herve's computer in your pocket, i suggest you not work on the streets. someone will just steal all the money your monkey stole :p

let's see. how long til i chose a career? I guess i was about 35 at the time (nine years ago). Before that i just stumbled thru lots of things i liked to do but never really got anywhere with.

i once read somewhere that reincarnated wizards tend to be in advertising, sales, therapy & healing, and ceo's. I 'm probably not going to make it to ceo but i've covered the rest of the gamut.

i don't know much about formal debate, but in real life debate letting the other person win a few points by conceding to them and then following with a good "yea, but...." always works for me. (ok, it mostly works). Waving your hand in front of them is for parlor magicians. it is only used for show among real wizards.;)
Harve's computer is at smantha fox's house (herve!!! what have you been doing with MY singer ?! :mad: )

This thread is a matrix agent -Ed conversation lol --I miss teh days that I could come on at almost any time and talk... now my day is consummed by 14 hours of work + school all rolled up in one package :(

Com'on Admiral, we all know that you haven't been to samantha fox's house. You've got to work your way up the ladder! :D Please, don't take me seriously....

Anyway, I tried to sell Herve's computer but no one would buy it. I tired to give it to my school, but they only wanted to know where the 5in disk drive was. They didn't want to hear my stories about a bright computing future with 1.44 disks, and cartridge loading CD-ROM drives.

So, i donated the computer to Bill Gates, he said that he would take any computer he could get his hands on, he's going to add it to the mac cluster he runs in his basement. All part of some world-domination scheme as i recall.

So, Herve, if you want your computer back, just walk down the street to the bunker just behind the telephone substation.

On a more creepy note: Ed, you could be my father. that is weird. I don't have conversations like this with my father, not to say that they are bad.

So how about us making this a two page thread? Woo-hoo!
Phil, i am definitly not your father. (wait, was your mother that good looking blonde i met in......naw, couldn't be)

seriously, when people get too caught up in age they lose sight of the fact that every human being is just as important as the next one. Believe me, given my options, i like getting older. but being older doesn't entitle me to anything other than breathing. And anybody that thinks young people have nothing to offer are too old to remember their own past or too stupid to think about the future. Last i checked your thoughts and views were important too.

and despite what we old fudruckers think sometimes, there are many things young people must learn for themselves. no amount of hot air is going to teach them. so why not just respect everyone for wherever they might be in life and be happy they made it this far?

however, now that i know you are in cahoots with Bill Gates i will no longer be trusting you. i am having admiralak assign operatives to watch you as well as retrieve herve's computer. you will not get away with this.:cool:
Matrix agent is under surveilance since he used that dell elf for his avatar :p

We'll get Herve's mac back....as well as eveyrone else's mac back hehe :D

Hey -- now that we are talking about computers (well specifically getting computers back) a friend of mine had an opportinity to get a 350Mhz (or 405Mhz -- cant recall) G4 with 128MB built in for about $350 --- coool :cool: dont you think ?