where to begin with PHP


Postmaster General
I feel it is time to learn PHP, i know (X)HTML, CSS, and Javascript, i also have a book on Perl which i havent had a chance to get to yet, where should i start with learning PHP such as books or sites that would help, i see it used a lot on the web so it would good to know how to use it
thank you that should help, some of the other tutorials should be helpful too, like Flash...
Oh god, I hate Flash. Don't ask me for tutorials on it :D
I've also heard that Flash MX reaaaally sucks :(
the tutorial for flash is on the site you posted, i know some people dislike Flash but it is a tool that i think needs to be known when it comes to web design and such, and i have Adobe Livemotion which i havent had a chance to delve into that much instead of MX
Ah, I misread you :eek:
Who says it needs to be known? :D But then again, I like my websites to be static, not always moving around like Flash.
I learned the basics of php from this WebMonkey article, and then I picked up Peachpit Press's Visual Quickstart Guide.

I'm no PHP guru, but I can do everything I want to do with it.

Oh, and never underestimate the awesome power of a PHP.net search. It's a fantastic reference, but it seems to be really, really slow right now. :/ Luckily, there is a mirror at http://us2.php.net/ .