I would really like to learn how to develop programs for Mac, but I have no idea how to begin. I was a first year engineering major last year, but second semester I decided to take a CS class. The class was about learning Java, which I picked up on rather easily. I would say I have an intermediate knowledge of the language. This summer I decide to learn C++, so I picked up C++ for Dummies. I'm only about 100 pages into it and am pretty lost. So then I decided to pick up Learning Carbon by O'Reilly. Got through a couple of chapters, but then again I got lost in the code. So then I decided to download the Cocoa Help from PB/IB. I start reading about object oriented programming and methods ... all which are making sense to me from taking the course in Java. Well to get to the point, I would just like some recommendations on which books are good for learning Cocoa or Carbon. Which language should I learn if I soley want to develop OSX applications. Do I need to learn all new syntax, or is Java and Objective C closely related. Also, what is the diiference between C, C++, and Objective C? Are some event oriented and the others object oriented? Any help would be greatly appreciated.