Where's my post?



I posted a question earlier today and kept checking it for replies. At one point I saw that it had been views 8 times but now I can't seem to find it anywhere. I even did a search for posts made by my account and it came up 0. Where did my post go?
The subject was something like "Azureus looses port over long periods". I even did a search for post made by me "TheWraith" and the only one listed is the one in this thread.
If I recall correctly, Azureus is a p2p sharing app which is actually against the board rules to even discuss. That's probably why it was removed.
I didn't realize that. I joined and posted my question here because I found other posts that discussed Azureus. I downloaded it a couple of days ago because a Star Wars Fan movie site recommended it as the best way to download their movie.Guess I'll look elsewhere for my answer.
Unfortunately, uyou're not the only one that has done that, and they too have been warned about it. I know sometimes users tend to breeze by the rules, but it's usually a good way of getting in trouble with the admins that way, which is why I and others mention it to the new people.

As far as anything else, feel free to ask. Everyone here will be glad to help. :)