which best FM transmitter for ipod?


Does anyone have any advise on the best FM stransmitter for the ipod. I'd like to use it in the car and have been told that's my best option. There seem to be a few of these - anyone used any with any luck. I imagined that you'd get a fair amount of interference - is this true?


Note, I don't have an iPod *yet*, so these are my observations of other people's and from what I've read.

For the best sound quality you should probably go with a cassette adaptor. A little more work to use, but I've heard that the sound is better than FM transmitters.
But for FM adaptors, I know someone who has had both an iTrip and an iRock. She likes the iTrip better. And from listening through it, I don't notice any major interference. Plus it looks much cooler :)
i have the itrip and it works pretty well. haven't used any others so i can't comment on them. the only problem, (and this applies to all) is that if you live in an area with lots of radio stations it is hard to get a clean signal sometimes.
If you have a tape player in your car DEFINITELY get the cassette adapter. It is a lot much better than any FM transmitter. Ideally, you'd want to hard wire it to your car stereo, but cassette adapter os the next step down.
I suggest iTrip. I have it. it has more than 100 radio stations to choose from. I also heard that cassete adapters didn't have as good a sound quality as FM transmitters. I really don't know, as I have never tried one before. But sometimes, when using the itripi, it may take a whiole for you to find the right sttion with the best sound quality, and also even if you think you found a good station, you may have to move the iPod around a little to get good reception. Th iTrip is still very stylish, definitley fits with the iPod, and is good quality. I'd recommend it.
I have an iTrip and live in Minneapolis so there are a lot of stations, but it still works just great. I love it! There are 101 different frequencies you can choose, and you can change it fairly simply. And I don't notice any sound quality issues with it over a cassette. But maybe I just don't have the ears...
I went through three iRocks before iTrip came out. And i've been so happy with my iTrip ever sense. However, if i had a cassette deck I may go that route.

why iTrip? No batteries, no cords, no on/off. :D