I'm setting up a web server which will be my first with Apache and will be running some serious Perl.
What I can't figure out is which OSX to use: Jaguar or OSX Server?
I have a copy of copy of server 10.1.3, and I _could_ buy a copy of 10.2 Server, tho I'd rather not if I don't have to.
Will Jaguar provide Apache performance eqaul to server 10.1.3? Better?
What I can't figure out is which OSX to use: Jaguar or OSX Server?
I have a copy of copy of server 10.1.3, and I _could_ buy a copy of 10.2 Server, tho I'd rather not if I don't have to.
Will Jaguar provide Apache performance eqaul to server 10.1.3? Better?