I bought an UMAX 6400 firewire scanner. There are no drivers for it, but UMAX has stated to myself (and others) that drivers are on the way.
This is the only scanner I considered because it is the only reasonably-priced firewire scanner on the market.
I use the scanner in two different ways. Most often, I will use it to scan a few images for web sites. I also use it as a photocopier (by scanning to the printer). This works well under OS 9. For this functions, I use the buttons on the outside of the scanner (which requires the control strip module to be active). One button goes to the printer and another into photoshop.
I know other people have had issues with the control strip, but I have not had any problems myself.
Unfortunately, this does not work under OS X because there are no drivers at the moment.
The other way in which I use the scanner is to scan many photographs at once. I do this less often, but I do scan many images. I just finished scanning 150 images. I have another 300-350 images that I will need to scan soon.
Since there are no drivers for OS X, I bought VueScan X. I was truly surprised at how much better the color looks when using VueScan! For that alone it is work the price. VueScan also has better autocropping and runs faster.
There are also options for batching that I have not tried. However, you are supposed to be able to store raw CCD data (for faster scanning) and then do the processing on those files at a later time.
The biggest drawback to VueScan is the lack of an interface (an usable interface). They really need to get preferences into a real preferences window. They also could put a real GUI on some of the batch functionality. All in all, the software is excellent simply because of the superior color, better speed and because it runs natively under OS X.
The scanner's biggest drawback (to me) is the lack of a document feeder.
Personally, I think that FireWire is the only way to go. The scanner can be had from UMAX for $129 and from pricewatch
http://queen.pricewatch.com/search/...194&CiCodePage=Windows-1252&cr=6400&qc="6400"*+AND+@ctd+6&catd=6&ct=Computer&cn=Scanners for under $100.
If I were you, I'd spend another $40 and get VueScan.
I miss using the buttons on the scanner, but even after UMAX comes out with drivers for OS X I will be using VueScan as my primary scanning software.