Which TV Tuner for Mac to choose?


Well, I've read positive and negative reviews about both the EyeTV and Formac Studio DV/TV. Does anybody here have one or the other, or have used them? If so, what are your opinions? My dislikes about the EyeTV is that it records in MPEG-1, which is non-editable, well easily. Also, it records at a resolution of something like 320x240. I can imagine that doesn't look pretty running at full screen on a 17" iMac. Now, the Formac. Can it only record in DV format? That's 250MB a minute ... that's like 15 gigs an hour. Also, I read somewhere that you can't watch and record TV at the same time? I'm not sure if it's really worth the money, since alls I really want is the TV tuner. I can use a DV camcorder for the A/D conversion. So, any opinons?
Originally posted by bjurusik
Well, I've read positive and negative reviews about both the EyeTV and Formac Studio DV/TV. Does anybody here have one or the other, or have used them? If so, what are your opinions? My dislikes about the EyeTV is that it records in MPEG-1, which is non-editable, well easily. Also, it records at a resolution of something like 320x240. I can imagine that doesn't look pretty running at full screen on a 17" iMac. Now, the Formac. Can it only record in DV format? That's 250MB a minute ... that's like 15 gigs an hour. Also, I read somewhere that you can't watch and record TV at the same time? I'm not sure if it's really worth the money, since alls I really want is the TV tuner. I can use a DV camcorder for the A/D conversion. So, any opinons?

I just know it is possible to watch and record TV with your PC (!!) I habe no clue about Mac, but why should it be different. My dad has a really cheap TV Tuner card in his PC and its works fine and records at 1024x768 max. and needs not too much space on the HD. I believe one hour is about 600Mb or something an sound isnt bad either. So maybe you just write an eMail to companys that built TV Tuner cards. They will answer you every question (except Mitsubishi people - but they dont built Computer stuff, do they?)
yeah, i'm not really liking either option. hopefully the rumors of an ATI All-In-Wonder for the Mac are true.
I hope so too - it is a awesome grakifcard. a friend of mine has it for the pc and its just great - like all the ATI stuff
I have the EyeTV and I really like it. The movies it captures aren't "easily" editable with other programs. Meaning that you have to do a workaround. But they even tell you how and provide links on the homepage for it. (http://www.elgato.com). I don't use my VCR anymore. Its also only 199 so not bad. I picked it up on ebay for a few bucks cheaper.

The integration into Watson's TV guide type viewer is really awesome. One button and you can set to record a show. And as many as you want.

If you want it for leisure and not really all that concerned with resolution and stuff get eyeTv. Its easy to use and doesn't require a card or anything like that. Just plug in the usb cable.