which would you rather have?


OS X Friendly
I am looking for a refurbished laptop, and found these two models that I am interested in. Which would you choose?

Powerbook G4 667MHz 256mb 30GB DVD/CDRW Combo/15.1"/16MB VRAM $1,449.00


iBook 900MHz/256MB/40GB/Combo/E/56K/14"TFT/32MB VRAM - Refurbished $1249.00
The iBook looks a better deal to me but I could also see that 12" PowerBook 1GHz at $1599 or one refurbished or even a 867MHz one ;)
Hehe, I would say ibook 900!
Better graphiccard = more quartz performance. And generally the G3 does not perform that much worse than G4. Take a look at most of the office X apps (which I am using pretty often...).
Last but not least, the ibook will have a much higher duration. AND you can spend the $200 for more ram...
Plus with the 200$ saved I can find a nice refurbed iPod to go with my set up. I just want to make sure the laptop i pick will last me a long time. My 4yr old iMac is still worth every penny and has had no problems running the latest OS X build.
Go for the iBook, definitely! I have the 800MHz 14" model, it is great.
Two things to think of before the iPod though:
1) Please consider maxing the RAM, it will make no end of difference
2) GET AIRPORT. Period ;)
Oh there is no doubt that they will be extra RAM and wireless. Wireless is the sole purpose of a laptop.
Apple Refurbished specials;

PowerBook G4 867MHz/256MB/40GB/Combo/E/12"TFT - Refurbished $1,199.00