Who has heard about the Second Life coming out for mac??


Postmaster General
Who has heard about the Second Life coming out for mac?? any news, comments, ....anything!!! :cool:
Well, I looked at it... I couldn't get the damn movie to stop playing until it had downloaded, but my Quicktime settings are fixed now... but I don't think I'm interested. It basically looks like an expanded version of The Sims Online.

Have fun, though. ;)
its similar to the sims only everything in it is much more real, like you have to build everything yourself with a 3D app, also clothes and stuff you make is your own property, ...im pretty excited!! hahah
Hmm... sounds like something I'd prefer to save for a game development line of work. But if it makes you happy, well... have fun.
Is it like a RPG where in you live a different life? I can't quite understand what it is exactly...it looks cool, and if it's what I think it is then I have to know: what are the requirements to run it?
not sure of the requirements, its basically like another life, haha, you live out your character and buy stuff and make stuff and communicate with people, its not like a traditional RPG where you galavant across fields killing demons(although that is fun)