Who will win?

Based on the described rules, will Ed Spruiell or simX win the bet?

  • Ed Spruiell

  • simX

Results are only viewable after voting.


Unofficial Mac Genius
First take a look at this thread:


It's called "Well, Apple beat me. I gave up the fight." on the "Mac OS X General Discussion" forum. Make sure you read the second page (the rules are clarified there), and then vote on this question: Who do YOU think will get a yummy beverage and pastry paid for by the other guy? In other words, will simX win the bet, or will Ed Spruiell win?

Just a silly little poll on a silly little topic posted on a silly little forum... no, wait... nevermind. :D
well, with my vote i just went ahead by 3-2 margin. it feels so much better to know i am not alone:p
the way i see it not everybody can just go out and buy a new mac!!!!!!!!!
hell these things are expinseve!!!!
not everybody is a rich kid if thay were hell everybody would have the fastest mac out there!!!i know i would!
but apple needs to fix os x so it will run fast as hell on my g4 400 that i saved up over a year and a half for!!!!!!!!!!!
i paid out the ass for this thing! and it was a demo at that!!!!
dont get me wrong i love mac's
im just a musican on a misicans buget! suporting a famely of 3
hell it will take me forever just try to get a new mac!!!!!
someone out there wont to send me one?????????
the way alot of you guys talk it is nothing to just run out and buy a new mac!!!!!!!!!!!
ronnie, the point's well taken. I think it would make more of an impact if it was posted in the original thread. Here we're just arguing about who's going to buy the beverages and pastries. You are right of course. I've been there and done that. when i moved up to what was a mid level imac when i bought it, i jumped from an old lc575 with 20mb ram, 260mb hd and system 7x. I had to use a zip disk just to run apps. I thought the best gift anybody had ever given me was a 33k modem. man it was fast to me then. that was just over a year ago. I'm getting ready to give it to the school system soon. it will be like new compared to many they use now. I hear you, and i feel for you.
on the other hand it's not fair to blame others success on your situation. if people have worked to the point where they can afford the good stuff, then they deserve it. I don't think you would want anyone to take that away from you when your situation changes someday, would you?
A lot of people get regularly updated new machines 'cause it's their work machine and their company purchases regularly (ala publishing houses, and large design companies.)

Anyway, I think the stakes should be changed... the loser has to bake Apple Logo-shaped cookies and bring them to this forum to share amongst us all!:p
how good a baker they are! (Being a Master Baker helps!):eek: :D

(we could ask for Cube cookies, with a big vent through the middle (doughnuts!!!!) or iMac cookies or or or Xp cookies (eat one and you'll feel sick (too much eye candy makes you ill!)
well , i could probably manage the XP cookies!
actually i figure i send enough cookies to this site everyday trying to make people happy. of course sometimes they get sick of it. I know my current signiture inspires the Admiral to violence and mental decompensation:D (see site discussion forum) (changed signature at 12 pm 12/12/01 to protect others from the Admiral's uncontrollable violence :D)

simX is starting to pull away in the polls. good thing this poll isn't what decides who buys.:eek:
I should've hedged my bets on what the people in this forum think. :P Oh well.

Ed: I'm looking forward to that yummy pastry and beverage! ;)
yea, well maybe while we're at printer's inc, i'll pick up a copy of 'MacOSX for Dummies'. it should probably be released by then:D
afterwards we could go down to Fry's and stand in the mac aisle and give people knowledgable advice on what to buy:p
jeez, uoba. i'll end up weighing 300 lbs. if i have all these cookies after my tasty pastry that simX is buying:D

one snack a day is all i allow myself.

why don't you bring the cookies? yours would probably be safe to eat.:p
just thought i would ressurect this little thread and point out this ad from Mac-Mall to you simx -

Apple Computer Closeout iBook 500MHz CD-RW
500MHz Power PC G3, 128MB SDRAM, 10GB Ultra ATA Drive, CD-RW, 56K Modem, 12.1 TFT SVGA Active Matrix Display, 2 USB Port, Firewire Port, Mac OS X
Price Drop!
Search for part number 959614

note the word "closeout"

I think my original point was that the current ibooks were on the way out. :)

mmmm, i can almost taste the pastries and coffee now:D