Whois on Apple...scary


Ever run a whois in the network utility on apple.com?
The first result leaves me a bit clueless...

people have to much money...definitely
Whois has started ...

Whois Server Version 1.3

Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

when I run a whois over the whois.internic.net, I get the following hits:


The IP of the first two's "webservers" is:

Registrar of the first one is Network solutions, which does not have an info on the owner in their own database, also, the webserver does not ping back, but when I try to locate the server with a mapper tool, it shows it to me somewhere in california.

I'd really like to know who registered the domain "apple.com.is.the.choice.of.all.self.respecting.terrorists.net"
...maybe Jobs when he was drunk and realized what he released with OS 10.0 ;)
ok...just stroke me when I was bored cause my girlfriend just left me and I started doing random whois and traceroute queries ;)
Anyhow, the microsoft list is much more entertaining :D
1) the domain registered is apple.com
2) apple.com was registered before os X.0.0
3) read few explanation before pointing fingers :)

Not completely senseless, it added to several people's postcount...but of course, every thread (almost) does that for Admiral.
and, btw, we never talked about apple.com. Read the whole thread before posting...

...I'm in some kind of an aggressive mood...the list of microsoft domains must have influenced me ;)
Well.. some jokes.. as i said once..i don't like especially when some stuff like that are involved...plus.. i am sorry... but everyone always point fingers to apple...they did that wrong..they did that in a bad way they should have... i know i am boring.. but for me it is boring to hear always people complaining......sorry .. i am this way

if I want my post counts to get high, I just could start counting from 100 backwards....

...what would be more interesting is how all those bits feel which have to travel around the world for delivering such a senseless and stupid message....
Increasing your post??? meaning?
Ypu do not have a life? or there is really nothing better to do?

sorry.. but .. i thought this was a site used for news help and stuff.. :)

Well guess i am wrong.. next time i have nothing to do ...wooohooo i ll be posting here
Admiral, your right, sarcasm doesn't translate well in a forum.

all I can say again, take a chill pill, man, you are overreacting...
Right..... well going out with friends is free...FREE

iI should have known that ..it's all about money ..lol
now he starts insulting me, cool. Guy, give it a break, the fact that you even start this flame war is a sign that the question who has to think about his online behaviours is already answered. Leave me alone, ok? This started because you have no clue how domain name registration works, else you would never have blamed me for "criticizing apple". In more than one thread I took the position for Apple, and I really see no point in arguing with you, since you seem to have no clue of what you are argueing about, so just leave me alone, ok? Last post of me on this thread.