Why do the icons move off the screen?


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I am sure this issue has appeared in this forum previously but I just now encountered something crazy. I finally talked my dad into installing OS X on his 366MHz clamshell iBook. The installation went by with no problems and I was trying to put some aliases on the desktop to help his learning experience out. Every icon I placed on the left side with part of the text off the screen automatically moved so it was completely on the screen. That was fine, but as a result every icon on the desktop shifted over to the right the amount that icon moved to get back on the screen. By the third time placing it on the left, the Hard Drive icon had completely dissapeared from the desktop. I tried to do this same thing on my iMac and it just left the icon I moved partially off the screen, rather than relocating every other icon on the desktop. I upgraded my dad's iBook to 10.2.3 and the problem is still occurring. Anyone know what I have to do to fix this problem so my dad won't freak out when the hard drive dissapears? Will an upgrade to 10.2.4 fix this problem or is it something else?
i've experienced this as well - mostly on my GF's imac. the only thing i can see that is different that might be affecting it is that we use different desktop pics. that's also the only difference i've had when i get it and when i don't on my mac. i think if your desktop pic isn't exactly the right size, then it isn't anchored properly or something. because when this happens to me, not only does the icon move, but the whole desktop. i have to go into my display prefs to correct it.
Will an upgrade to 10.2.4 fix this problem or is it something else?

I used to have that problem. I believe 10.2.4 fixed it.

AppleCare Document #107362 has this to say:
[Mac OS X 10.2.4] Addresses an issue that could occur when dropping items near the far left or top of the desktop in which existing item icons are "pushed away" from the dropped item
ok, that could be it. i haven't updated her yet. i tend to wait a few weeks or more before doing so to make sure it won't have something screwed up in it as occasionaly happens. i just happened to change my desktop about the same time i upgraded.
I no longer have the problem :) . The upgrade to 10.2.4 fixed it. And what's weird is the fact I never encountered it on my iMac prior to 10.2.4. And i have a ton of icons lining the left side of the screen. But at least that problem is fixed. Thank you very much for the help!