Why mac your business?


Right, here I am about to start my own business. So I am using up my life savings in this venture and the big decision approaches. Ok, I admit, this decision is not fondamental to the business but quite important none the less.

Do I setup with MAC or PC's?

Oh, I'm in IT consulting business.
If you consult you should probably have one of both, or just get a new MacBook and Parallels or Bootcamp and you can run OS X and XP on one machine.

What are you using your machine/s for? Onsite IT Support? Accounting? More details would be helpful to really effectively answer your question.
What are you using your machine/s for? Onsite IT Support? Accounting? More details would be helpful to really effectively answer your question.

Agree! Because then we know what software you'll need to use (about), to see how the offerings are for PC/Mac in that particular market.