I'm using this upgraded Beige PowerMac G3/233 to type this information on the Internet.
"So what's so great about this?" you may say.
What I cannot believe is that Apple has tuned MacOS X (10.2.6) so well that this upgraded G3/233, runs as fast as my PowerBook G4/500, which is almost 3 years younger than the PowerMac.
Now, granted this upgraded G3/233 presently is actually a G3/400, with a overclocked G3/350 which I took from a B&W G3/350 after upgrading it to a G4/500, and its memory has been maxed out at 768MB.
Still, Apple did a wonderful job.
For those of you who think your MacOS X is slow, please add more physical memory (RAM) and upgrade to 10.2.6.
Best Regards,
George Lien
"So what's so great about this?" you may say.
What I cannot believe is that Apple has tuned MacOS X (10.2.6) so well that this upgraded G3/233, runs as fast as my PowerBook G4/500, which is almost 3 years younger than the PowerMac.
Now, granted this upgraded G3/233 presently is actually a G3/400, with a overclocked G3/350 which I took from a B&W G3/350 after upgrading it to a G4/500, and its memory has been maxed out at 768MB.
Still, Apple did a wonderful job.
For those of you who think your MacOS X is slow, please add more physical memory (RAM) and upgrade to 10.2.6.
Best Regards,
George Lien