Wi Fi Adsl Modem Router..


Hi out there..

Im a Adsl User (tiscali Italy).. and i have 2 laptop (a Mac and a Pc) .. i need to share my connection between them..

They told me that the easier way is to get a modem router , so i don't need to share the connection from a machine(always powered up) to the other..
(easy to say.. less easy to do.. i was not able to see the. Pc at all (no filesharing,, no internet sharing).

Ok let's assume that i need this router.. at least i take it wireless!!!

But who can give me some info about a model that SURELY works for mac and pc??

Please I'm a diconnected guy... :(
Netgear, Buffalo, Links Routers, all work with Macs. Routers a platform independent. Just about any Ethernet Router woeks with both Macs and PC's.

Moving to the Network forum.
I'm from italy too, I use a Dray-Tek DSL router, working perfectly with two PCs and two Macs, also wirelessly... it's also quite cheap, so I'd advise to check them...
ah bene!!! potresti essere più preciso... tipo il modello etc così lo vado a vedere in rete....
p.s. con la configurazione poi mi potresti dare una mano?
grazie mille
ehm... ma che intendi per prezzo buono? io ho trovato un Vigor 2600g a 249 euro.... è una mazzata!!!
ti faccio sapere quando sono a casa, adesso sono al lavoro! cmq la configurazione e' semplicissima, fa praticamente tutto in automatico...