Will Airport express extend a non extreme base station range


I recently purchased an Airport Express and have had problems extending the range of my Airport base station (non-extreme). I'm getting conflicting reports whether the Airport Express will extend the range of a non-extreme base station. Can someone please confirm this one way or the other so I can eliminate this issue and get on with solving the problem.

Many thanks

I purchased an Airport extreme with the understanding that it would extend my wireless network (netgear). But it will NOT. I have run a cable from my router to the AE and then created a new network on the AE. It's not what I wanted but it works. even a USB printer connected to the AE can be seen as a rendezvous printer on the Netgear network. I have set all our wireless devices to pick up automatically rather that a specific network and so far no one has complained.

The range of your network can also be extended somewhat by using an external antenna for the Airport. There are some in the Apple store (online). The Omni directional antenna extends the signal in all directions whereas the directional will allow a point-to-point link.
