Will Apple (circa 2010) be a "computer" company any more?

What will "Apple Computer" be in 2010?

  • The same thing they are today

  • A software company like Microsoft

  • A "digital products" company (more like Sony)

  • Out of business

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Software Developer
I have been thinking a bit about this lately. I've tried to figure out where Apple is going (in a larger picture sense of the word, not so much when is the G5 coming out).

I presume (and hope) that Apple's leadership has though carefully about long term company strategy (as well as short-term tactical moves).

The thing I wonder is if the Apple of (say) 2010 will really resemble the Apple we've seen for the past 25 years.

Here is my thinking. Clearly Apple has begun to take some "baby steps" into over types of devices (iPod for example, rumors of iCamera and iPhone too). While these devices form a "constellation" around the "hub" of a Mac. I cannot help but wonder if these are also the beginning stages of re-fashioning Apple into something else.

If you look at what Apple seems ot do well, I would characterize it as:

"blending digital hardware and software in compelling and approacable tools"

Perhaps badly worded, but I think you get the point. This kind of definition does not limit itself to "computers". I would LOVE and Apple digital camcorder. I would LOVE and Apple mobile phone (well, maybe SonyEricsson has this handled). I would LOVE Apple to do a decent remote control for my DVD player. I would love and Apple iClock (see thread on this elsewhere here).

Apple needs to find ways of growing its business. Traditionally many (including many so-called "experts") have viewed this in the form of expanded "computer" sales/market share. Surely that can be (and is) a component. But ultimiately must it be the only one?

The primary concern of Apple investors and (to a lesser extent) is Apple's ability to continue selling and profiting. Who is to say that this must be done in the way it has been done over the last 25 years. Maybe Apple has "lost" the computer war. But they are still in business. They are still delivering products that people enjoy, appreciate and value (for the most part). Can this be expanded (significantly) into other product spaces, all with at least a tangental relationship to their "core" business. Even to the point at which their "core" business changes?

I think about Sony as an example. What is Sony? A TV company? A stereo company? A computer company? A music company? All of these? None of these?

I wonder if this is Apple of the future:

Apple: Products for Your Digital Life.

I think their current market focus is to diversify some. Much like sony has, although not to such an extreme. When one market is taking a hit you can stay afloat on others. I do believe that they will continue to be a computer company.

Sony is a good example of a japanese business model. If you look, many eastern companies have taken this approach. Yamaha for example. They create Consumer electronics, professional electronics, non electrical instruments (saxaphone, guitar... etc) as well as being extremely reputable in the ATV markets. Honda has done the same, mostly within wheeled vehicles and industrial machines.

Apple started out as a computer company. Their focus of the future of computing is integrating their product with other facets of our life. I believe this is why all the iApps and the hardware is comming about. To push the digital hub lifestyle to us a little sooner.

All in all, I don't think they would make it trying to spread as far as sony has over the years, they would definately go under as a software only company, and I don't see them going out of business THAT soon... maybe a little later. I guess my vote would have to be for keeping things the way they are now.
I don't think your poll covers enough... and there certainly should be an "Other" option, since Apple is good at 're-inventing' things, including itself and the computer industry. Perhaps they will start yet another revolution, based on something nobody has seen or even thought of yet. Apple is great at innovating, seeing a need, and filling it right. This, I hope, is something they maintain for the rest of the company's existance.
Originally posted by sheepguy42
I don't think your poll covers enough... and there certainly should be an "Other" option, since Apple is good at 're-inventing' things, including itself and the computer industry. Perhaps they will start yet another revolution, based on something nobody has seen or even thought of yet. Apple is great at innovating, seeing a need, and filling it right. This, I hope, is something they maintain for the rest of the company's existance.

This is good point. However I think the Apple of today is bit more conservative in that regard. They are being run more as a business. Back when the Mac first changed the world, Apple seemed to be more of a "cause". I don't see this quite as much today. Though there is a bit of it in their DNA I suspect. This has to be balanced with running a business and staying in business.
Now marketing replaces dream... the means that they listen to their target customer base for the better ! No endless announcement of new but so similar products... now we have less prducts with more differences !