will the WWDC keynote be broadcast over the web?


I was wondering if they are going to stream the WWDC keynote like they did for MacWorld. (or is it the "OSX State of the union" that will talk about Panther).

That would be cool, because although I dont live far from SF, I cant fork out the money to get in, or the time off of work.

Anyways, im sure that MacSurfer and all the other rumor pages out there will be firing out info like crazy.

Oh well, its not till June anyways...
Possibly, but I don't think WWDC 2002 was, so I wouldn't bank on it. Then again, Apple rescheduled WWDC to use it as a launching pad for Panther (and possibly new hardware), so anything is possible.
Yeah, I'm really curious to see if Steve Jobs gives a keynote at this one. It would seem very un-apple for a major OS revision to be released without Steve bringing it to us.
Panther will NOT be launched at WWDC 2003. Registered developers will get a preview (beta) version, that's it. They'll also get information on changes in the operating system. But for the consumer, Panther will still be unreleased.
good point... I knew they werent going to actually release it in june (im hearing things like sept), but I wasnt aware that developers get a beta. I know a few developers that are going, so at least Ill get to see it...
Yeah, I'm aware that its a Beta. I just figure, if this is really a system with 64bit support, Steve should be there. With the economy the way it is and Apple always needing every developer to be fully dedicated to the platform, I figure Steve Jobs should be there to rally the troops, of sorts. Also, if it is 64bit comptatable, there are rumors of new PowerMacs being released, especially because Apple has been non-commital to the July show. Even if its a preview of Panther and the IBM 970 chip, you'd really have to think Steve would be there, considering the entire future of the company was on display that day.
Well, it is going to be launched for developers in exactly the same manner as Jaguar was launched at WWDC 2002. They'll get a devloper preview build (which will quickly find it's way to the 'net a few hours later) that will be feature frozen, but still have bugs (obviously).

The term "launch" does apply, because even though Panther won't be released at WWDC, Apple will have let the cat out of the bag, having announced to developers and the world what to expect in Panther, and when to expect it.

The thing that will be of most interest is that if Apple is moving to the 970, it will need to let developers know ahead of time to make tweaks/adjustments to their wares. So, if Apple does plan on using the 970, even if the hardware isn't ready, there will be disclosure about it at WWDC.

Based on the rescheduling of WWDC and Apple's decision to do a keynote there instead of at MWNY Create, I have a strong feeling that Apple will indeed release updated PowerMacs based on the IBM 970 there. After all, the machines will be due for an upgrade (6 months will have passed from their release), and Apple wouldn't let an upgade as big as one to the 970 go without a major kickoff.
What serpicolugnut said.

The panther preview should give quite a hint on whether Apple is going to use the PPC 970 or not. Moreover if Apple wants all the developers ready to go on the new processor, they have to inform them beforehand, which will reasonably produce leaks. Macbidouille suggests there are going to be (still unannounced) seminars on the 970 and mach 64 ... we'll see ...