Will this Video Card work in my Mac?


Staff member
Can I use the following card, 64MB NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 4X AGP Graphics Card with TV-Out (from a Winblows box) in my G4/500 w/ AGP. I currently have a Rage 128 in it.
It may be possible, but you'll probably have to look into flashing it's rom, which I know nothing about. Maybe somebody with more experience can fill you in on the process.
I have spent a considerable amount of time "flashing" this card, using all the tricks from other websites. No matter which ROM, 1055, 1075, or the other, can't remember, 1024 (?) I get the same result on my Mac. It shows video, but with 1024 it shows the screen with a "pattern" of small squares all over the screen and flashes during bootup, when OS X changes to the "blue screen" the system just stops at that point.

On the other 2 ROMs, I get the same startup screen, but instead of the pattern of squares, I get a jumbled mess. I can't identify anything on the screen except the locatin of the happy Mac & beach ball, but if I didn't know what they were before hand, you couldn't tell on screen.

I'm up in arms. This is suppose to work, but very frustrated.

No I haven't, but it was on my list of things to do until I got frustrated. You think that could make a different? If that works then what? Im still screwed right?
Well, if it works normal in OS 9 but not in OS X, then chances are the rom isn't gonna work in OS X.

It's worth a shot, though, to find out. Maybe it'll work in OS 9 and when you switch back it'll start working on OS X? Just a guess, but stranger things have happened! :eek:

Good luck!