Finder's implementation of smb is "special", if it has to be expressed in a politically correct way.
Does the share name or the mount path contain a "-" (hyphen) in it? This is one of the examples Finder does not deal with, and it has been a "feature" since at least 10.1. so only 5 years... Change the share name if you have access to it, or use other methods.
One thing that MAY work, but I consider a poor practice, is to make a nsmb.conf as in This is what Apple suggests as a solution to the Finder -36 error when connecting to smb shares. This will make all smb passwords be sent in cleartext so it may not be a useful tip for many environments. has a lot more of this error...
Finder gets this error -36, but the underlying smbclient is not affected by it. So even when your share name contains a hyphen, and is nested 12 folders deep in the path, smbclient does not get this error. So if you have ever used Terminal, consider
smbclient ipaddress/sharename -W workgroupname -U username as the best way.
This error is just one of the reasons I wish they rewrote Finder from scratch. It's a 100% Finder issue, and it has been there since the day Mac OS X Finder could deal with smb communication, and all this time smbclient as the background service has been working correctly.