window got stuck/ =non-interactive



while working on a project, and not having saved for a while now, i have a severe problem:
in after effects i hit a button that, unwanted, called an 'File-Open' dialog from Apple's Navigation Services, but it doesn't respond to any mouse- or keyboard input. But it also blocks me from interacting with After Effects..

so i can do a ForceQuit and loose everything from the last two hours, or i can go to sleep now, and wait for an answer from one of you guys...

is there a way to close this FileOpen-window from outside AfterEffects?
for instance, is there a way to interact with the window-manager and close windows that were openend by an application?

it's really stupid to have an applicatoin got stuck in a navigation-services-window.. ESC doesn't work, i can't click any buttons.. nothing..
and i can see my work behind it, but can't get to it.. not even save it.



(i go sleep now, hope someone has answer)
To force quit use Option + Command (apple) + ESC. This is assuming you are running OS X.

You can also try command (apple) + H to hide the front application and get back to your project. You should then be able to save.

Important projects should be saved at the start, then every 10-15 minutes there after. I think every one of us has learned the hard way - or forgotten to save as we work.
No, Cheryl, the window obviously belongs to the current application, so neither force-quitting the app nor hiding it resolves the problem.

Sadly, there's no way of getting at the stuck window... You _could_ try to hook up a second monitor, which should tell the display manager to get its act together...
Cheryl said:
To force quit use Option + Command (apple) + ESC. This is assuming you are running OS X.

You can also try command (apple) + H to hide the front application and get back to your project. You should then be able to save.

Important projects should be saved at the start, then every 10-15 minutes there after. I think every one of us has learned the hard way - or forgotten to save as we work.

Yes, the force-quit option certainly closes that stuck window, but also the rest of the application, including any unsaved work..

as to saving work, working with computers for years now, i'm used to saving work on a regular basis, and learned not to get frustrated with this kind of probloms.. but when you're really concentrated, you sometimes forget to command-s everynow and then..

actually i was just curious if it would be possible to access the 'window-stack' (is it called that way?) from outside the app, and close it, or tell the finder or OS to kill the window.. afterall, NavigationServices is a system-service.... don't know how that works technically, but appreantly that's not possible.

also hiding or exposé don't help. i didn't try the resolution-trick yet.. that might be helpfull.

btw. i discovered it's bug in AfterEffects, because yesterday i accidentally ended-up in the exact same situation... luckilly i just saved.
and yes, a force-quit is the only way to get out the situation..

(but now i think of it, maybe universal access might help, and give me access to the windows' cancel-key using TAB and space... i'll try that next time)
