Windows Jokes


Is Windows a Virus?

McAfee-Question: Is Windows a virus?

No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses do:

They replicate quickly - oh wait, Windows does that!
Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so - okay, Windows does that.
Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk - okay, Windows does that too.
Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. Sigh... Windows does that, too.
Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow (see 2.) and the user will buy new hardware. Yup, that's with Windows, too.


"Windows" means Work Is Never Done On Windows Systems


Customer: I'm running Windows 95...
Helpdesk: Yes...
Customer: ...and now my computer stopped working!
Helpdesk: Yes, you already said that.


The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it displays a dialog box and lets you press 'OK' first.


Microsoft is not the answer.
Microsoft is the question.
"No" is the answer!


Any others? btw I got these all from but I generally don't like clicking links off forums, so there. :p
Microsoft Presents: a new Operating system ...
... combining the mobile power of Windows CE ... With the usability and games-support of Windows ME ... and the raw power and crash-less-often-ness of Windows NT

This ... is Microsoft Windows CEMENT.