Windows Media Player


I recently bought an IMAC Intel based Computer. I am subscribed to several sites that allow me to view streaming video (such as but they work under Windows Media Player parameters and they do not work on my MAC.

I tried downloading the FLIP4MAC program but it was not installed as I got the message that it will not work on an INTEL based MAC. Is there any way to solve this, not only for the streaming videso, but other WMP videso I currently have on my computer?

BTW I downloaded a WMP 9 program and it supposedly installed but I also cannot get it to work. Maybe I am doing something wrong in terms of installing but I was under the impression that MACs were supposed to be truoble free when installing and stuff.

Can anyone out there help me?
There is actually an intel version of flip4mac. It's not officially on their site as of last time I checked, but it is out there. Check and see if there's a link there. That's how I found out about it. Hope this helps you.