Wired to wireless connection..


This is probably really obvious, or its just not possible. However, for ages I have been puzzled over something. I'll explain the situation...

We have our main non wireless router.. that is then connected to my computer (imac g3) and also to a powerbook g3. Then, we also have an airport base station, which the main router connects to. Then the airport base station is linked wirelessly to 3 other computers, g4 powermac, emac and a g4powerbook.

It all works fine, however, its not possible for the wired computers to join the wireless ones. The iTunes sharing doesn't work properly, and neither does rendezvous on ichat. When you're on the wired computer, nothing shows up, except the wired computers, when you do command K and click on browse.
And when you do command k and browse for the wireless computers, it shows all the wireless comps on the list. You can, however, connect from a wireless comp to a wired comp by typing in its local ip.. but not the other way round.

Anyway, itd be nice if we could all connect to eachother, all being able to share eachothers itunes, and all being able to chat on ichats rendezvous.

Any ideas?

cheers, sorry if i haven't explained myself well, i hate doing it.
Hi James and welcome to the forum.
I think the reason for your problem lies on two dhcp servers in your network: 1. non-wireless router; 2. airport base station. What you will need to do is to "transform" the non-wireless router to a switch. This can be done by turning off the dhcp on that router. Not sure how this can be done with your not yet known router, but if you have problems to do that simply post the brand and the model of it and we'll help you out.
Good luck!
ok, i just turned off dhcp on the thomson router and nothing has happened. Do i have to have dhcp on for the thomson and off for the airport base station, if so, how would i do that?
WOO! I've done it... well, you've done it. I had to turn it off on the airport base station and now it all works. Thank you sooooooo much zammy-sam