Wireless network @ work problem


Hello all, I have come across an annoying problem with our wireless network at work and hoping someone here may be kind enough to enlighten me. Right here goes...

Down stairs there are 3 access points (D-link Wirless G hubs) and are connected to the network. They are all called the same thing in the SID and the security is WEP128. But heres the problem.

The building is 6 rooms long and there is a wireless hub in every second room. The idea is when you walk though the rooms with a laptop it connect the the wireless hub with the strongest signal. But it only works sometimes...

This is causing a bit of a headache for my colleagues. Sometimes it works well, but not all the time. For example it will connect to a wireless hub and will not move on to the next one even if it loses signal strength.

Is there some sort of wireless roaming 3rd party software I can use, or maybe the hubs or laptops aren't configured properly?

Ideas and suggestions will be fantastic

Thanks for your help and time in advance.

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Well, I can't tell you how to fix it because I've never tried that. That feature that your talking about is what draft r (802.11r) is suppose to include so I would say that it might not be possible.

What you can get is signal extenders.
I have 2 AP's, both with the same SSID, on different channels. When I move far enough away from one AP, it switches to the next one. Not sure if this is unique to my router firmware (DD-WRT).

I would also consider upping your wireless security. WEP can be cracked by anyone that really wants to.