Wireless print sharing


I'm purchasing a new printer (not sure which model/manufacturer yet), and I want it to be wireless as all my computers are now wireless. I'm reading a lot of negative comments on Amazon and other boards about wireless print servers (not to mention, none of the commenters were using os x).

Does anyone have experience with using a print server with os x? Which manufacturers did you work with? Do I really need Windoze to configure them as D-Link, Netgear, Linksys say on their web sites? Shouldn't I be able to configure them via browser?

I only know about the Linksys - it only allows changes using the Windows software.
However, if you are willing to be flexible and let the default settings drive the rest of your LAN setup (IP subnet for example), it will work for you in appletalk, SAMBA or IP printing modes.

Looks like netgear allows SAMBA and IP printing, not appletalk.