wondering how to get to the /var/ directory can you help


hi i was wanting to delete my log files in 10.5 and i read that they were in the var directory,how do i get there to delete my logs since they are takeing up space.thanks
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They are not taking that much space, as they are cleaned with periodic scripts (daily, weekly, monthly).
But to make sure they are clean, I recommend OnyX. http://www.titanium.free.fr/pgs/english.html make sure you pick the correct version (10.5 in this case). It's freeware, and brilliant for maintenance and a lot of other purposes.

If you want to learn about the Unix underside of your Mac, you can run Terminal. It's an application in /Applications/Utilities/. The Unix shell is very powerful but also complex. You'll want to read a guide to Unix. There are free guides online as well as books you can buy. Be careful, though, because you could accidentally delete important files.
