Word quits on startup since 10.2.5


Word X had been working fie until I upgraded to 10.2.5. Now it quits within a minute of startup. Tried deleting Word preferences and installed combo update. The crash log from Apple System Profiler is attached, i don't know what any it means.

Running iBook with tons of RAM, all other apps seem to work

Any help much appreciated.
My Word 10.0.0 works fine... I think thee is a patch but I've never applied it.

I also have tons of RAM (1GB). I DO have lots of other things that are crashing, mostly the Pref Pane's... but I think I have one bad screen saver that is causing that.

You did not attache the crash log... Was it Apple System Profiler that crashed or Word?... or did you mean to say Console Log?
I'm still running the orginal version of Office X too - I had troubles with it doing something like this way back with some OS X upgrade and the first or second Office X upgrade so I just went back to square one with Office X and everything has been fine. I know this is not logical or helpful, but MS apps are the only apps that I have that crash consistently on OS X - for the past 1.5 years. I've wasted enough of my life trying to solve MS product problems on Macs or PCs and this was a simple fix that worked - but, I don't really care why or how.
Here's one solution I found: removing the Normal template seems to stabilize Word in 10.2.5

1. Close Word.

2. Open the Office x folder. There should be a folder named "Templates".

3. Open Templates folder.

4. Drag the document "Normal" to your desktop.

5. Navigate to this folder: Microsoft Office x\ Office\ Startup\ Word, drag all of the files in it (if there are files in it) to the desktop.

6. Start Word and check.