World War III


New Rhapsody User
ok, here is the problem. I am a HUGE Macintosh fan. And my girlfriend's mom is a big Windows/peecee follower. So we are always making little cracks at each other. But I guess crossed the line. I went onto her new pc and put an anti-M$ wallpaper on it. She said the gloves are off, this is war. She teaches windoze at a college, and she has all of her dorky students helping her. She is sending me pics of iMac trash cans and toilets. I need help! I will use anything. links to anti M$ sites, pics, jokes, technical stuff that proves the Mac is better, ANYTHING!



There's an Anti-Micro$oft webring.;list
I hope you sent her the guy pissing on M$ headquarters sign.

You remember when we did that search for anti-gates sites. There are literaly millions. Its amazing that so many people can hate a single man, so much.

There is the anti-M$ slogan thread laying around somewhere. There is some good stuff in there.

I wish you luck on your many bloody battles.:D
My kind of thread!

Get ready!

Here's a nice one, appeals to your fearful side, ya know?


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