WorldTV replacement IceGuide for Dashboard is out

I've been impatiently waiting for this ever since WorldTV was discontinued. They seem to have forgotten about the Brits though, and now IceTv only supports Australian TV networks, it seems.

They've also released a premium, non-free version which costs $3/week and gives you some extra features. but really, at $3 a week, you may as well just buy TV Week!
Or just get AusTV Widget for free and shows current and upcoming next two episodes, even for foxtel and austar too ;)
Sir Staunch: AusTV is just the old, old, OLD version of WorldTV (now ICE TV). It won't continue to work, since the developer ( doesn't intend to keep uploading Aussie feed data.

He has said he'll keep the UK feeds updated for as long as possible. The change to the new layout is a result of them (Marc and iSlayer) licensing feed data from Ice Guide. They now support EyeTV (which is a big deal for some people), and with the license cost you get one whole week of feed data. It's a win-win!
I have EyeTV myself, but their support for the device, while cool, is not enough for me to pay $3/week. That's $30 a month...imagine what you could get with $30 a month... Foxtel, magazine subscription, sponsor a child in Africa...
My first thought was "Hooray". I have been waiting for WorldTV to get its act together for weeks now, as all of my channels (except CNN for some reason) weren't updating.

WorldTV was one of the most useful widgets ever to grace any dashboard, anywhere.

$3/week. That's $30 a month

Phew, $12 a month. And this is the big let-down. Nobody will bother to pay thatmuch just to get a TV guide. I'm only paying $5 a month for the cable TV channels themselves. Like you say, nobody is likely to buy the premium version at this price.