Worth it to buy a Pismo?


has a mac beyond repair
I like it's style and I had a crappy snow-white iBook 600mhz G3 back in the day, so I feel the speed wont be far off. I need another mac because I do, so is it worth it to shell out like 400-500 bucks? Or no? Anyone have one? Anyone like the pismo?
I used the Pismo, with Panther on there and didnt have any problems, should be a good PB, though the one I used was a little underpowered under the hood (400MHz).
we have one at work and it is about the speed of my snow 500 ibook. my ibook is a bit faster just because of a better video card and ram and so on, but they are close. since you know the speed already, then i would say yes it would probibly be worth it. I would proibibly spend 4 on it but probibly not 5.

btw, why do you think the snow ibooks are crappy? i love mine.