Worth of asp site

le mal

Hello, this is my first post over here and I'm going to start with the idiot way of asking opinion.

Does anyone have any idea how much a semilarge asp site would cost? That is with graphics (some pictures, no flash) and small updates.

I've been working on multimedia field for some years, but using asp has always been for fun not for money. Now my client wants me to do an asp site - no problem with that expect how much money I should ask. I know companies would ask over 10 000 euros.

Any help is apperciated.
By "asp" do you mean Active Server Pages (Microsoft's web technology) or Aplication Service Provider (i.e. a Web development/hosting factility)

Are we talking basic HTML or and Active Server Pages "Web Applciation" with functionality like database connectivity, etc?

Would they be paying you to simply build it, or are they also expecting you to host it?

IMHO if you are just starting out, you should NOT quote a package price... Instead quote a reasonably modest hourly rate.... at least until you get enough experience to understand how many hours a modest site will take you to build. After that you can start quoting per/site.

Just keep reminding yourself... They are paing YOU for your time/effort/skills more so than paying for a finished procuct. Especially if you'll be involved with the post-launch maitenance and tweaks.