Would you take a bullet for Steve Jobs?


Official *********
Lets say that at Macworld you see Steve Jobs ambushed in a alley by a crazy guy in a XP shirt with a gun. Would you jump in front of the bullet to save Jobs, or run away and let him die?
The choice is yours.
Uh....no. Unless I just reacted.

If I had time to think about it, I don't know that I would take a bullet for anyone.

Sheesh. Now nobody here'll want to be my friend.
Originally posted by divibisan
Lets say that at Macworld you see Steve Jobs ambushed in a alley by a crazy guy in a XP shirt with a gun. Would you jump in front of the bullet to save Jobs, or run away and let him die?
The choice is yours.

What are the odds of that happening?:rolleyes:
I have to admit I would probally throw herve in the way... or run away! I doubt anyone would take the bullet unless they have A LOT of money invested in apple and are learned enouph to know they're money is going to dissapear if jobs dies.
I wouldn't do it, but if I was near enough to tackle him I would.

Think of this as not whether you would die for Steve Jobs, but as if he was an ordanary person (who could reward you with a lifetimes supply of Macs:D)
I didn't think of the free computers for life aspect of the equation... Hmm... I definitely would tackle him to save him if possible, but the only way I would take a bullet for him is if I am wearing a bullet-proof vest.

Well, let's be realistic here. Bill Gates would of course make a keynote of his own at the same time. I would be there, plotting to commit murder, while seeing this on an iBook with QuickTime, so I couldn't possibly take the bullet.
i would push steve out of the way and duck and roll and then nobody would have to take a bullet.

hey, as long as we are fantasizing the ridiculous, i might as well fantasize the best possible outcome:D
Would I take a bullet for Steve Jobs?


That question is stark raving ridiculous.

-the valrus
Hey, aren't the iBooks bulletproof? If they really are, and I had one strapped to my chest at the time, I would probably take the chance.

(With my luck, that bulletproof thing is probably just propaganda.)