WWDC 2005 Student Program


The Late: SuperMacMod
The Apple Developer Connection is now accepting applications for student scholarships to attend the annual Worldwide Developers Conference. This opportunity is available exclusively to ADC Student members, who are enrolled part-time or full-time at a college or university, have a student identification number, and are at least 18 years of age.

This year's conference will be held in San Francisco, California, June 6 through June 10, 2005. Winners of a student scholarship receive a free Student E-ticket to the conference and access to special events during the conference week. The regular WWDC E-ticket price is US $1,595.

I strongly advise anyone who can apply to apply. I was a part of this program at WWDC2003 and found that it was an amazing program. It can really get you ready for many different jobs in the 'real world' after school.

Two thumbs up to Apple for continuing this great program, year after year! :)