WYSIWYG in Safari?


I'm awesome...seriously..
So THE number one reason I don't use Safari for web browsing is the fact that, to my knowledge, it doesn't support things like WYSIWYG text areas such as this form that I'm typing in right now. Firefox supports it fine (one reason I use firefox). I would actually be just fine using Safari but since is doesn't support that, I don't. So my question is, is there some sort of plugin for Safari that enables that sort of thing?
if you mean CSS attributes for form elements, it's a part of the new 1.3 and 2.0 releases (1.3 for Panther, 2.0 in Tiger)
No, that's not what I mean. Here are examples of what I mean:

Safari's text area:

Firefox's text area:
That probably means that Firefox understands BBcode or something. Strange. And certainly not any kind of "official web-standard". I don't know of any plugin for Safari that would do that... Either way: If this is that important to you, I'd use Firefox.
It's not BBCode per se. It's HTML textareas in general. It's not just on forums...any other text area that uses something like that will work in other browsers except for safari. All Windows browsers support it but Firefox and Netscape seems to be the only OS X browsers that do.
Actually the BB code you are using is not interpreted by most browsers. Normally it is interpreted by the server on the site and used to generate an HTML page which is in turn transmitted to your browser as HTML, which the browser then renders. Firefox on the other hand chose to implement BB Code rendering in the browser itself.

When I am creating a web site with DreamWeaver, I often switch between WYSIWYG and code or both to get the page to look and perform the way I want. Similarly, when I am creating a post with BB code, I want to see the tags so I can fine tune them, if needed, to get the effect I want. I would hate not being able to see the code. I guess that proves it takes two opinions to make a horse race. :D

Since you like Firefox and it works the way you want it to work, why not just continue to use it rather than blasting a browser that you admittedly do not use?
If Safari did 'what FireFox does for him' to me, I'd be 250% ticked off and make it well known to Dave Hyatt and the team working on it.

Stay with Firefox if that's your preferred method of posting.